Saturday, May 28, 2011

I stress to easy

So we are planning on getting some work done around the house this weekend, along with really working on potty training. So far the potty training is going ok. Yesterday he wouldn't have anything to do with it. He ran around the house with no diaper on all day and he wouldn't go potty. Rodney put him in a diaper to take a nap, and of course withing 3o seconds he pee'd. But today is so much better. He has been without a diaper all morning and he went potty in the toilet twice, yay!!!! I do not want my kid to be 5 and still in diapers.

Right now the main stressor is picking out a paint color and hardware for the kitchen. I do not want to mkae the wrong choice so I am way over stressing on picking the right stuff. That is one of the only things I would change about me is how I stress over EVERYTHING!!! I hate it. Hopefully we can get a color picked and get started this afternoon. We shall see.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Long Time

Wow it has been a long time since I posted last. Not to much has gone on. We went back to Florida in March for my 30th birthday. We had so much fun. What can I say I love Disney.

Alden is growing up so fast. It's crazy. It seems like he grows more and more every day. He will have these full blown conversations with you. Now if only we could get his bedtime routine down,the potty training, & his eating habbits we would be set. He still hates sleep. We have taken to just letting him fall asleep on the couch when he is tired. Sometimes that is 8 othertimes 10. Its just such a fight everynight the stress is just not worth it!!! The potty training is a nightmare he just dosn't want to do it. The food is getting better, although if he had his wish he woule be eating cheerios, "dog food" (what he calls Cocoa Puffs), and toast for every meal. Maybe the occasional chicken mcnugget thrown in for variety :) I bought that Double Delicious cookbook and I have been cooking out of that. The recepies are really yummy plus we have gotten him to eat two bites of every meal so that is a start. At least he is getting some form of veggies right?!?!?!

This summer is going to be a busy one. We are finally beoming adults and plan on doing a ton of work in the yard. Yesterday we spent the day working in the front yard and ou flower beds all cleaned up and put some fresh flowers in (the pictures don't do it justice but I felt silly running across the street to take pictures), and Rodney made a hot box for our veggie starts, which are huge:

We are excited to have a garden this year. Let's see if it ends up working out. We are also planning on throwing up a deck in the backyard, building me a craft cottage (once Rodney builds the deck so he get's his wood working skills up) I am really excited about the cottage. As you know my house is not very large, and having the cottage will give me a space to sew, scrapbook, or just plane relax with my own space. We also plan on geting the garage all cleaned out and giving Rodney is own space out there, but first we have to paint it since the old paint started chipping off, and we have to paint the trim of the house too. We also have to work on the inside of the boat for some overnight trips. So a lot of sanding and painting there. Plus for Christmas we got a membership to Point Defiance, NW Trek, and the Seattle Aquarium. It is going to be a really busy summer, but I am really excited about it.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hair cut drama

Alden badly needed a haircut so Rodney thought it would be worth it $ wise to take him to a general hairdresser rather than the kiddo hair place we normally do. Yeah, what a disaster. It wasn't that they weren't good or anything, it was that Alden decided he WAS NOT going to have his hair cut. I had to sit in the chair with him while he screamed then when she pulled out the scissors he screamed louder pulled away from the poor lady. Normally they put him in one of those little cars and strap him in with toys and a tv show. He get's fussy but nothing like this. To finish him off they had to take him outside while Rodney held him and I held his hands. It was so traumatizing for me, Alden seems to be just fine. But now he has this semi bowl cut. We have 2 weeks till vacation so hopefully it will grow out a bit and look a tad more normal.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Such a travel nerd

Rodney & I had been tossing back and forth weather or not we should do Vegas, San Francisco, LA, or take Alden down to San Francisco. That choice was made very clear for me today. I have been keeping my eye on the airfare & such just to do budget's for all of them. Well today I got an awesome deal for round trip per person to SFO for less than $200 p.person. Total steal. So looks like we are taking Alden down there.

It's been almost 3 years since I have been down there, so I am really excited. Plus I think Alden is going to love it, there will be a ton of things for him to do. I'm so excited!!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Growing up so fast

I realized yesterday how big my little guy is getting. He is no longer doing 3 word sentences. He is speaking coherently and will say things such as, "Let's go sailing on the boat Daddy" "Let's go to the park", "I am having fun" or my favorite "This is so funny" Then last night, I was singing him to sleep, and he kept wanting to change the songs up. I would start singing him a song, and he would say to me "No Mommy not that one" I would ask him which one and he would tell me the name and then start singing it to me. It was the cutest thing. It kind of made me realize that I was not very good at keeping track of all the things that he did in his baby book. I kind of stopped after a year. Now that we are coming up on his 2nd bday I hope that I caught enough of him on video and in pictures to remember these wonderful moments that I take for granted daily!!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Remembering my Dad

For Memorial day we went to see my Dad at the cemetery. We haven't really brought Alden before because we weren't sure how he would handle it. We took him this time, and it ended up bringing serious tears to my eyes. Not everyone might understand the pictures or even why I took them, it means a lot to me, especially since this is the closest Alden will ever get to my Dad.
When we got there, I walked Alden up to his spot, and he just grabbed onto his headstone and wouldn't let go. For me it was almost like he was hugging my dad and he could sense him there or something. Silly I know. When we told him it was time to go he DID NOT want to leave. He cried and said no bye-bye. It's just too bad my dad didn't stay around long enough to spend time with his amazing grandson.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A fun filled Wednesday

So Rodney and I took Wednesday off to take Alden to Sesame Street Live. We started out with breakfast at the donut store near our hosue (Alden loves it there. Grandma takes him there once a week) Then off to get him a hair cut. We got to the Tacoma Dome early with hope to meet the characters. Turns out you had to buy a special pass to meet them. In all my research I could NOT find anything about meething the characters. He lLOVED the concert though. When they came out on stage he was mesmorized. He even ot down and started dancing. Here are a few pictures from the show.

After the show we decided to head to Toys R Us to get his new bed, posters, and wall clings. Then over to Target to his Car's bedding. He had to "help" Daddy with the shopping.

After finaly figuring out how to put his bed together, and hanging up his wall stuff, here is the final result. Yes, we did Thomas & Cars, his two favorites. He loves being in his room now.